Maintain Growth within a Complex Environment.


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Is Your Business Facing These Operational Challenges?

If you’re in the business of building or making things, your margins are probably being squeezed by the rising cost of materials and labor. Relying on just-in-time supply chains to keep costs low is all well and good, but they are complex and time consuming to manage – and the cost of getting things wrong may be more than your business can bear.

So the last thing you want to be contending with, on top of all that, are broken and inefficient manual processes, disconnected silos, and inflexible systems which create bottlenecks and impede progress.

A successful construction, production or design business needs to be agile, efficient, adaptable to change and, where possible, automated. BP3 delivers powerful process automation solutions that help businesses streamline operations, optimize their workflows, and achieve their strategic goals.

  • Manual, Time-Consuming Processes: Repetitive tasks and reliance on manual effort slow operations, increase costs, and hinder efficiency.
  • Inflexible Processes: Rigid systems and legacy infrastructure create bottlenecks and struggle to adapt to changing business needs.
  • Disconnected Silos: Isolated departments and lack of cross-functional collaboration lead to inefficiencies and impede decision-making.
  • Lack of Process Visibility: Inability to track and analyze process data hinders optimization efforts and makes informed decision-making difficult.
  • Skills Gaps in Automation: Organizations may lack the internal expertise to fully leverage process automation, compromising their ability to innovate and meet strategic goals.

Unlock Efficiency in Engineering, Construction, and Design

Optimize Your Processes, Boost Productivity

At BP3 Global, we understand the unique challenges faced by engineering, construction, and design firms. Our advanced process automation solutions streamline operations, eliminate inefficiencies, and drive business growth.


Why Choose BP3?

Tailored Solutions

We develop custom automation solutions to meet your specific needs, ensuring flexibility and scalability for future growth.

Proven Expertise

With years of experience in process optimization, our team delivers cutting-edge solutions that drive measurable results.

End-to-End Support

From consultation to implementation and beyond, we provide ongoing support to ensure your success.

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Our Capabilities

  • Strategic Focus: We align automation with your business priorities, ensuring we drive measurable value and business impact together.
  • Experience and Expertise: Our team brings years of process optimization experience, delivering cutting-edge solutions tailored to your challenges.
  • Value Realization: We focus on quantifiable outcomes, measuring the impact of our solutions in terms of ROI, efficiency gains, and improved customer experience.
  • Proactive Support: We provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure the success and continued optimization of your process automation initiatives.
  • Partnership Approach: We view every engagement as a partnership, fostering collaboration and a deep understanding of your business goals.


  • Process Mapping and Orchestration: We analyze your processes, identify inefficiencies, and design optimized workflows that integrate seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure.
  • Custom Automation Solutions: We develop and implement tailored solutions using best-in-class process automation technologies to address your specific pain points.
  • Model-driven Development: Our solutions leverage industry-standards like BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) to create a common language between business and IT stakeholders to promote collaboration and speed up time-to-market.
  • Digital Transformation Support: We partner with you to modernize processes, embrace new technologies, and navigate the complexities of digital transformation at a pace that suits your business.
  • Change Management and Training: We enable smooth adoption and facilitate knowledge transfer, empowering your workforce to leverage new automation solutions effectively.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Our solutions are designed to grow alongside your business, ensuring flexibility for future needs and changing market conditions.

Picture 1-1  Case Study

Inspection App increasing efficiencies, reducing error, streamlining data management and reducing costs.

Client Challenge: A leading commercial and real estate company property valuation process relied on outdated pen and paper methods, leading to inefficiencies and limitations in data collection and reporting.

Solution: BP3 developed a mobile app and back-office system that digitized the property valuation process, featuring:

  • Dynamic, customizable inspection forms
  • Integration with Microsoft SSO authentication and the client’s job reference API
  • Offline capabilities and data synchronization
  • Ability to capture photos, voice memos, and text notes with geolocation and timestamps
  • User roles and teams management
  • Export functionality for inspection data, photos, and voice memos


  • Replaced pen and paper process with a fully digital solution
  • Enabled efficient data collection and reporting
  • Provided flexibility through dynamic, customizable forms
  • Improved data accuracy and consistency with geolocation and timestamps
  • Streamlined data management and export capabilities

BP3 can work with you to Unlock Agility and Efficiency in Your Processes:

Driving Transformation with Powerful Process Orchestration and Automation Solutions.

BP3 offers a holistic approach, bringing together advanced technology automation and workflow process orchestration expertise to solve client challenges. We understand your unique requirements and craft customized process automation solutions that optimize operations, improve decision-making, and drive business transformation.

A recent paper published by Deloitte cites, “For technology initiatives to gain widespread adoption and scalability, companies should have strong ecosystem alliances and partners, including technology providers, operations vendors, contractors, and automation vendors, among others.” Working with BP3 gives you just that.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Discover how BP3 can help you optimize your engineering, construction, and design processes.

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